It's not often that a national government agrees to decentralize and allow one of its regions to assume greater powers, but that's exactly what a popular referendum did this weekend in Catalunya.
The power struggle between Spain and Catalunya is of great interest to me for a number of reasons: my sister lives in Barcelona; the region has a rich history of powerful social movements; and because I'm researching the role Catalan soldiers played in occupying California in the 18th century, around the same time Spain laid siege to Barcelona and consolidated its control over Catalunya.
Recently my friend Ms. Tara invited me to be "Guest Poet" at her second grade class at the New School at South Shore. I read the story The Boy Who Loved Words, about a boy who fills his pockets with his scribbled favorites and one night places them at the tips of a tree's many branches. Afterward we had the kids choose some of their own favorites, write them on cards, and paste them onto this illustration ...